Mary Carol Anne Soup

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Pest Control

I have finally solved my rodent problem by at long last embracing cats. I guess I hadn’t written about it, but I was getting pretty tired of battling mice armed only with a hockey stick. So it's rather sudden, but my current estimate is that I have 34 or 35 mostly adorable felines draped all over the place in my home. And I'm totally letting my hair go, too, cultivating a sort of "Crazy Cat Lady" personae. Neighbours truly leave me alone now. It's kind of nice.

But I digress; something else has come up. For the last five nights, a "ship" has been hovering in the sky over my house. High in the sky, but directly above my house. I think it’s been showing up at about 2 or 3AM. It hovers and emits an eerie low hum together with some kind of smoke or steam, while unrecognizable bits of debris seem to almost dance around its circumference. Last night I finally got a picture of it (see above). As is so often the case in these instances, clarity and detail in the photo are somewhat lacking, but there’s no mistaking what it is. Let us not fuss over the quality of my camera lens in this difficult time.

The last couple of nights have seen me out in my yard cussing and throwing tomatoes and eggs up into the air, but it’s a pitiful effort, really. I am not getting anywhere near it. I fully expect that the occupants are laughing at me.

If any of you have had this problem and can offer advice, I would sincerely appreciate it.

Mother Mary Carol Anne.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Remedial Blogging

Does anybody else have difficulties with the technical aspects of Blogging? I am at the mercy of my severely distractable son "Crabgrass" for guidance. I feel a bit lost, and at the moment can't find my sliderule.

This is a picture of Crabby (right) in a more focused moment, teaching me , under hypnosis, how to Blog. His sparkling eye scares me, though I bravely meet his gaze.