Wishing all of you who get to this Blog a very Happy NewYear!!
However, as I was reading the paper this morning, with my cup of black coffee beside me, I became increasingly wary of the condition of our world, and started wondering what 2008 has in store for us.HEADLINES on page A9:
(1) KENYA IN CHAOS...showing the bodies of some of the 108 victims of violence.
A local and an international rights group said "more than 300 people have died" .....
(2) IRAN HANGS 13 IN SINGLE DAY ...well, that is their political agenda ...
(3) U.K. AIDS PROBE OF BHUTTO SLAYING..."eyewitness accounts and video of Bhutto's last moment suggest she was shot by an assassin just before he detonated a bomb"...
(4) PAKISTAN'S NUCLEAR SECURITY THREATENED..."the country has an estimated 60 nuclear warheads, with 15-20 kilogram cores of highly-enriched uranium and,possibly a few made from plutonium"... ummmm - that's somewhat disturbing ........
(5) AFGHANISTAN - THE CASE FOR STAYING ...the new year begins withthe familiar image of a young soldier arriving home in a flag-draped casket...
"Afghanistan needs Canada now more than ever. Th assassination in neighbouring Pakistan of opposition leader Benzair Bhutto has destabilized an already unsettled region and threatens to undermine the hard-fought gains made by Canadian troops in Kandahar, where stability is slowly but inexorably supplanting lawlessness" ...
Many Canadians want our troops home - such a quandry-where does this end, and how
(6) And we cannot forget the American forces in Iraq - and again, where and how do they get out of that one???
Enough of negativity!!!
Now - do any of you feel that this new year - 2008 - will give us any relief from headlines such as these - I would like to look forward to a great year - but need some positive input from some positive people.......