Mary Carol Anne Soup

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Potential Reunion Buoys Mary Carol Anne


As I had suggested, my youngest son, Rondo (pictured above, 68 yrs), is in fact looking for me. However, I believe that this time he truly hopes to "mend fences". I had unfairly assumed that he was again cooking up a scheme whereby I would be the hapless victim of yet another grand piano falling from high above, just like in 1979. And 1983.

But the news now is good - Rondo is in town, and offering to meet me in a public place for lunch. He sent the photo above so that I'll recognize him. Unfortunately, it appears that while out of my auspices he learned at least one new word (you may have noticed), and this, of course, just as I'm doing absolutely everything in my power to institute this bloody Gentler Language© standard. Christ almighty.

On Blanco:
Blanco is home again (hat tip to the FBI who found themselves unexpectedly in Chatham with a bit of free time). Turns out he was at the bowling alley, as suggested a while back by Brunswick. He's in the yard now, on a longer leash than before (I added nearly 2 metres), and seems to be just loving it. God, what a sweetie.

I'm not sure where Blanco is, but I think my other son is looking for me. I've been hiding on him for quite some time, but I'm afraid the worthless sap is on to me. GAH!!

What shall I do? Signed, Low Profile backstage.


Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

I'm turning over a new leaf. I've had those kinds of words surgically removed just this afternoon. Really small incision.

Nice moniker, VD.

10:06 PM, October 07, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Send him (your son) over to Sweden :-D

7:13 PM, October 09, 2006  
Blogger Sterculian Rhetoric said...

I am not very inventive I'm afraid. I often engage in 'academic convergence' with my dopplegangers; Bilious Pudenda and Vagina Dentata.

'diddle' is profane?

Nu? No sweariness here any more?

7:37 PM, October 09, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

My son will be arriving Wednesday, in a Tommy Hillfiger suitcase. He's travelling lite, bringing only his guitar, which he will gladly play if you feed him, and this would include Blue Grass, Rock, and every Beattle song known to man. Hope you enjoy him!!!

8:58 PM, October 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy phusk.

VD, you're right. Your artful edits to these tired bits of dialogue make all the difference. I only hope that Sister Mother Mary Carol Anne doesn't get in here and start tampering with your beautiful work. Your writing has real teeth.
10:31 AM

11:53 AM, October 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too right, he of the crustacean laden knickers.
Time will tell. Albeit time as cogitated in that hopelessly bourgeois construct of linear time.

"...Your writing has real teeth. ..."

V Dentata....nyuck, nyuck.
11:14 AM

11:53 AM, October 10, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Regrettably, Mother Mary Carol Anne was forced to edit the 3 comments immediately above, in accordance with our new Gentler Language© standard.

The standard has been deemed necessary as a result of a strikingly disparate readership that includes Mother Mary Carol Anne's great great great grandchildren.

12:02 PM, October 10, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

V. Dentata said:
"Ooooops! Apologies Ms. MCA Soup.
I was not aware of the progeny.
I will endeavour to be nice."

Thanks, V. D. - Though distortions may exist in my profile information (and I can't tell you exactly where the truth has been stretched or I'd have to kill you again), it is in fact true that there are some young impressionable folk in my circle who now and then will pop by Mary Carol Anne soup to see whassup. My desperate hope is that they'll learn those words from their pals and not from their great great great grandmother.

I humbly acknowledge that "I started it" on this particular post. My son (who surprised pretty much everyone in the delivery room when he was born with blood red skin and a pair of horns) is perhaps a bad influence.

I do hope you continue visiting and commenting - I've enjoyed your presence.

10:48 PM, October 10, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

vagina dentata -
STERCULIUS- The Roman God of Feces -
And WTF was his claim to fame??
Your wit certainly keeps this new blogger (is that what I am) coming back for more - and while I can't keep up with you - the Holy Trinity -and I am but one - looking forward to hearing from you again -
I truly am taking Greek Mythology
and in no time at all, I will be able to challenge. I don't know if
Michael Flatley could have fit in
Pandora's box- I am a river dancer myself, and I question that!

11:06 PM, October 11, 2006  
Blogger Sterculian Rhetoric said...

Email me

12:46 PM, October 12, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

vagina Dentata-
Humbly I apoligize for my lack of
creativity - too much shit going on! OK - answer this one, and be careful,
A frog falls down a fifty (50) ft. well. Every morning he gains 3 feet, but every evening he looses 2. How many days does it take the frog to get out of the well??
You'd best put on you thinking cap, O Master, WTF will you come up with.

1:45 AM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Anna-lys -
So, you like Hockey - well, it's a Canadian game, or so we'd like to think-Mats Sundin just scored his 500th goal and I believe he is a Swede - so the Maple Leafs should be your favorite team. I'd rather knit or river dance on my toes.
MMC anne

1:55 AM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Yes I enjoy NHL HOCKEY, but only in real where you can smell it *giggle* I only wrote the blog to get attention from your son's :-D

I will expect his arrival by Wendesday, but I wonder isn't he by them a little to square(-ish) :-)

8:48 AM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

HEY YOU GUYS - the Pope just named three (3) new saints, and I'm not on the list. F**k - how did that happen??!!The Vatican shall hear from me. And you Biilious Pudenda have been left out as well-maybe they read your comments> in which case you are doomed forever. Best repent!!!!
MCA soup

12:32 PM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger ¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Mother Mary Carol Anne:..."HEY YOU GUYS - the Pope just named three (3) new saints, and I'm not on the list. F**k - how did that happen??!!""

That bastard. Don't get me started,seriously. I've been on the waiting list for something like 6 years. Do you think they lose track of you when you change your name?

Well, I'm off to see Anna-lys, wearing all manner of protective gear. Wish me luck.

1:25 PM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger ¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

V. Dentata: I think the 50 footed creature is a demicentipede.

1:27 PM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Welcome tomorrow Crabby ;-)

(Why does Mother MCA has a used rubber covering her face? )

9:43 PM, October 16, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

A used rubber ineed,I mean indeed - that bubble won me first place in the 5th Annual Canadian Blowing championships held in northern Ontario every "Labor Day" weekend. It was big, baby, and having won this honor for the past 3 consecutive years, I'm pretty cocky, and challenge you to an international competition. Post your picture baby, and we'll see!!

10:18 PM, October 16, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

"Should it not be Labour and honour?"
A thousand apologies-you are right of course,I forgot briefly where I was. MyABC's did not come from Canada-no excuse however.I'm going to say Phuket, and hope you forgive me.
Yes, I expected you to be a cocky one - fun, isn't it??

1:47 PM, October 17, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Since Wendesday I have been sitting here with used rubber all over me. My neighbours have stoped talking to me, but a lot about me :-(

They think Im crazy looking after a suitcase with crabbgrass??? Im sorry to infom you dear Mother Madly Carol Anne that your son seems to have arrived somewhere else, might be in Switzerland ?!?

I will take the challange and send you a rubberpicture after the weekend. Please confirm that the competition still is on, and IF you have heard anything abour the missing suit - its a hard case!

2:33 AM, October 20, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

11:44 PM, November 17, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Need a comment here - this page is lonely,
When will he ever come home to me??

3:44 PM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Growing old is mandatory -
Growing up is optional!!
The ageing process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball.
Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing;

OK - there's your philosophy lesson for the day - taken from
"Youth is Wasted on the Young'....

1:29 AM, November 29, 2006  

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