Mary Carol Anne Soup

Friday, October 20, 2006

Before the Big Bang

This is just before the rose-coloured glasses.


Blogger FANCY said...

Mother Mary Carol Anne!

You have started an amazing chewing blogister here.
Every where I go there is bubble.

I am laughin my self a round the bloggs...*LOL*...


5:00 AM, October 26, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

"Before the Big Bang"
F......G *%+@##^!!<<>>***!!!
You are one pedantic specimen of humanity,original-that's for sure, and I am now thinking that I am a functional illiterate. Do not trust me with nuclear secrets,if in fact, you have any! Maybe it's my diet, I'm going to start eating Kibbles & Bits.
O fucking K- how shall we correct this blatent garble of misinformation?
Dear Vagina - I shall leave it up to you, please >
Do you have time to work, or are you hiding in a closet somewhere with the Encylopedia Britannica - you are a smart cookie:
Chocolate chip - hhmmmmmm
My favorite.......
Regards - MMCA

10:37 PM, October 28, 2006  
Blogger ¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

V. Dentata:..."I love to tease the Yankee about the spellings, they feel so inadequate when faced with the prestige of Britain and its official language."

While that may be true, you have to admit that the Americans more than make up for it with really cool explosions on a regular basis.

7:43 AM, November 02, 2006  
Blogger ¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Mother Mary Carol Anne - You can say that again!

Oh. You already did.

HA HA HA HA, ouch, my ribs.

Your loving son, Crabgrass.

8:08 PM, November 07, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Dear Drabgrass (oooppps - crabgrass)
Is repetition a sign of something ugly, or was it just a slip of the 'finger'?
god, I hate that!!Repetition!!
So, you may usurp my crown-that's ok, I have several and it won't be missed too much.

11:20 PM, November 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow ... what did I start by taking these bubble pictures??

2:13 AM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

WHAT A SURPRISE TO FIND YOU VISITING - and yes you did create quite a monster with the bubble picture. Had a lot of fun with it,but the contest is over, I was able to keep the crown, and now it's on to bigger and better whatever.
Your Blog is awesome, I need two days to get thru it-starting tomorrow.MMCA aka tante

10:55 PM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

VD - YOU COWARD!!!!!!!!!



2:42 PM, November 14, 2006  
Blogger Sterculian Rhetoric said...

I am not coming back until you post

10:28 AM, November 15, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

STERCULIAN R -----------
I'm still working on my Opus, OK -
It's gonna take some doing to accumulate the subject matter sophisticated enough to enable you to wade thru said opus without getting borborygmus and I obviously don't have as much time at my disposal as some sterculians, who do nothing all day but play with words - some of us have to work -

12:03 AM, November 16, 2006  
Blogger FANCY said...

*LOL*... thanks fore your comment...I cant stop laughin


6:31 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The French version of Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae's poem leaves something to be desired though.
I can't help but muse:

I went for a walk in the park.
The poppy, the cross and the lark.
The location in French
of that World War One trench,
I am at a loss in the dark.

"Au Champs d'Honneur."
All very well, but how would I find it on a map?


Lord tunderin' girlfriend, I had to look this up! That doesn't happen very often. I am humbled, really.
And I do more than just play with words all day, I've been known to play with myself on occasion as well!


11:18 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sterculian Rhetoric said...
I googled that picture.
Typed in: "Attractive American Couple"
This came up!
My new avatar is a ******* ******.
Apropos I thought.
Like my pontification on the Flander's Field poem?


11:28 PM, November 17, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

YES V.D. -
I intended to mention in my previous statement that I did not recognize the French version of "Flanders Fields" and assumed that you, with all your skills and time could bastardize the poem, but you did it with some class.
I don't like your scary avatar - I had to do some editing, but kept as much of our exchange as I could. How about a pigeon avatar, since you don't seem to like the idea of a snowflake. Good god girl, have some modesty. Bloggers International will get you, and then you will be in deep shit, and I will think twice about rescuing you, trying to resurrect your good ? name. I'm going to start calling you Virginia- OK??

11:31 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


VD and BP of ST

11:56 AM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger Sterculian Rhetoric said...

How about this one?

The red liquid spattered on the child is that of her parents and siblings.
They didn't stop at a check-point in Kandahar. The noble Royal Canadian Regiment did their duty.
Which of my avatars is really the more obscene?

12:26 PM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the delicate souls in your life are that delicate, I would delete all of my comments on this site as clicking on the first comment of mine on this post will take these impressionable minds to the old VD profile page which has that "C" word on it! and I am speaking in run-on sentences and I am sure that my medications are due.

VD and BP of ST

1:07 PM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

S.R. - "They didn't stop at a check-point in Kandahar. The noble Royal Canadian Regiment did their duty. Which of my avatars is really the more obscene?

Wait! I thought you weren't political:

"The political elite - They are not like you and I."

The current state of affairs in Afghanistan is more obscene than the toothy cartoon, but the image itself is not so different than what we're seeing in the papers these days.

Thanks for the heads up on VD's profile - but since I can't really keep reins on any younger family members once they leave here, I think I'll leave that alone. Besides, that would make my blog appear even more lightly traveled!

1:55 PM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger ¢rÄbG®äŠŠ said...

Know whatcha mean, Sterc. I thought your red cartoony avatar was a new Disney character, for sure. But I couldn't find it on their website. I finally got them by phone, and they knew about it and told me what it was. They tried to name it Bambi. I reminded them that Bambi was taken, and told them to talk to you about its use.

So you'll probably get a call.

5:25 PM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger Sterculian Rhetoric said...

Walt has a telephone in his cryogenic vault?

8:43 AM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

MERCI - greatly appreciated!!
To say one is apolitical is not believeable, not of you. You write with such passion, there is lurking within an authorial Pericles, you can't fool me!!!
What think you of "The Bilderbergs"? Let's start with that!!!!

10:22 AM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Sorry - an extra E there - did you catch that, of course you did!!

10:25 AM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

1:18 PM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

anna-lys -
absolutely filled blog---say bye bye to some comments - hope I don't delete it in its entirety.mmca

2:25 PM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:04 PM, November 20, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:15 PM, November 20, 2006  
Blogger FANCY said...

Hi' Mother Mary Carol Anne
I miss the comment on R.D. now I have read and thanks fore the private lesson. I cant get bored when I learn new things.

I have a gallery on my page, have just started it up it is a little pic from Sweden I will in time put in moore pic.


10:44 AM, November 21, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

So - you looked up "Bilderberg", and isn't that interesting - a large group of influential businessmen, politicians, royalty, from all over the world, meeting once a year, secret location,(altho not so secret, it was in Ottawa, Canada this year) -no one is allowed in - no press, photographers - and the more you read about this group,the more terrifying it becomes- they run the world, some say they plan wars, fix prices on world commodities, and very few people know of this organization.
Illuminati - the name of another secret organization - this one goes back a very long time, also interesting reading if you get into the website.
Politics is an area of extreme frustration for me, I try to avoid some of the issues - but in today's world, that is impossible.'
It's in your face everyday, horrifying news of wars, starvation,mass killings - my God, I think I'll get off this subject before you realize my inability to
rest easy in the face of adversity.
This is a source of pain for me.

6:05 PM, November 22, 2006  
Blogger FANCY said...


We need your suport now.
Pleace, Can you do something in your blog to suport.


9:11 AM, November 23, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

FANCY - FROM Sweden:
I thank you for bringing up the subject regarding violence against women all over the world. Yes, it is time that we addressed this issue and if we can find some way to work towards the elimination of much of this, I think we need to do it, as we sit comfortably in our environment not subject to this physical and emotional baggage!!
I shall light one small candle this evening, and hope that all women who are subjugated to this practice will find some peace and gentleness in their lives, and perhaps feel love and confidence. These things we take so for granted.
Thanks Fancy, for bringing this situation to the forefront.

12:38 PM, November 23, 2006  
Blogger FANCY said...

Everything is ok Mother Mary Carol Anne!

Pleace, can you do a bloggpost of this day. It is a "International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women".Here in Sweden this day is on saturday the 25 of november. I think you are so good to express in writing.


3:06 AM, November 24, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:59 PM, November 24, 2006  
Blogger FANCY said...

Hello MMCA

thank you for the tip of song...*L*...
Hope you like it...*s*


6:25 PM, November 24, 2006  
Blogger Sterculian Rhetoric said...


We try to keep a low profile, the plebeians just would not understand.

A sanitised future post of mine:

I had never heard of International Woman's Day until I went to live in a country where women were treated incredibly badly, and subsequent holes that I lived in, where women were also treated appallingly badly, accordingly made a great song and a dance about International Woman's Day.
In China, if you get pregnant outside wedlock and refuse to have an abortion, you are hounded out of your village with people beating you with poles of Bamboo. On International Woman's Day, however, all the neighbourhood will gather and give you bunches of flowers and really ghastly plastic presents, just because you have a uterus, regardless of whether you have used it according to communist law or not. In Russia, your husband will spend most of the year drunk and beating the crap out of you, while his mother shrieks orders at you, delighted that there is someone in the household even more downtrodden than her. On International Woman's Day, however, you can dress yourself up nicely, while all and sundry gather and sing mournful songs about how fantastic women are. And here, in this hole, where women work like oxen, while their lazy men sit about smoking fags and showing their pantaloons to people like me, there are posters all over the place on about "8th March, International Woman's Day". What a load of yucky stuff. I hate "Days" anyway - Mother's Day can fudge right off as well, and so can "Labour Day". If it is not a Holy Day of Obligation, I don't want to know about it.

Goodness gracious, you Swedes just have to learn how to speak English better.

8:09 PM, November 24, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Sorry !!!!!

6:25 AM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

6:39 AM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Kära S.R.

Världen hade varit så bra mycket bättre om Ni alla skrev på svenska. Nu förhåller det sig så att kanske kanske fler kan förstå oss på knaglig engelska, så vi försöker åtminstonde!!

Önskar Er trevlig helg,


6:43 AM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger Sterculian Rhetoric said...


7:01 AM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger Sterculian Rhetoric said...

Suomi is better

7:02 AM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Anna-lys -
S.R. has trouble with the English language,therein lies the problem - his inability to comprehend. I, on the other hand,have no trouble at all, and welcome all your comments.
Are you going to share with me your response to S.R., or are you going to leave it to my imagination?
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm - well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I'll be thinking about this!!!!!

3:14 PM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Now ... I have had it!!!!


3:54 PM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

To Whom it May Concern:

Every 16:th day a Swedish Woman dies, due to those (ani-)males!!!

3:57 PM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

That looks good in caps, doesn't it??
Thanks for your comments on Violence against Women = it is incredibly interesting-you have been witness to this inhumane treatment,whereas the rest of us read about it,and can't imagine the true consequences.
I, like you, have never heard of this special "Day" - certainly it is not prevelant here in our Canada,is it?
And what can we actually do to alleviate the practices - so much of it is cultural, and the norm in many places, while there is the violence suffered at the hands of an alcholic partner,or drug related?
While I sit here, in my comfortable home, not wanting for anything,material or emotional, I can't help my feelings of inadequacy regarding how to help with this situation.
I actually went into websites on this subject, and was totally unprepared for the statistics shown. In the U>S.a woman is raped every 6 minutes, a woman is battered every 15 seconds, and so on.............
And Cambodia is on the list of large scale organized rape as a weapon of war.
What can you do there?
Don't want to get too serious here, but I believe you are an angel of mercy-wanting to aid these people in whatever way you can.
I certainly have something to dwell on here, and thanks again for your input.
Too bad you can't get this on Fancy's blog - she is a crusader for women's rights, and would love to read your comments. Her english is not perfect, but she has a passionate soul!!!
I'm going to need some translation help if you continue to converse with Anna-lys, another one of my
And I am not a big fan of Mother's day, or LABOR DAY -THEY SUCK!!!
Oh shit - forgot the 'U',
Have a great day SR

4:18 PM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

S.R. has not post anything on the elimination of Violence against Women (if s/he doesn't have an alias on our chain-list!!

... and please can I get my blog back?

And he is not the only one witnesses in real ... we are many women sheltering in space (thought so anyway).

11:03 PM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

HI aNNA-LYS ....

I'm not sure what you mean -
Do I have your blog?
I am not computer savy, did I commit a faux pas here?

I don't think SR can post ourside Canada - not sure why - but he did leave some comments on this subject on my blog. If you scroll up 6 or 7 comments from this one, you will find them.
We have all seen battered women - I have been to the home here in my
city which takes them in for short term care - since I am in the cosmeteic industry, I brought them perfumes, moisturers, lotions - stuff to make them feel feminine again, not a punching bag. I hope it helped in some small way.
You are getting lots of action on your blog regarding this, and I'm sure you have made many people aware of this problem - You have done a good job -

11:55 PM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Thanks S.R. I have now my blog back in my "hands".

Wonder how "the space" knows where different blogs authors live??? :-)
But, it was a good joke!!!

Regarding our link-chain: It doesn't change a thing how many comments we get. But, IF many bloggers has made their own blogpost upon the subject ... its like a cyber-manifestation.

"I had a dream" ... when I started it ... namely that ... Where ever "He" turned his face ... "he" would meet "The sign" against it ;-)

We all gotta have some dreams and hopes.

and have a nice Sunday

7:58 AM, November 26, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

Kära S.R.

Världen hade varit så bra mycket bättre om Ni alla skrev på svenska. Nu förhåller det sig så att kanske kanske fler kan förstå oss på knaglig engelska, så vi försöker åtminstonde!!

Önskar Er trevlig helg,


Translated into not to good English

Dear S.R.

The world had been so much better if you all wrote in Swedish. It happen to be like this that most of you can understand "not perfect English"... so at least we keep trying!

Wish you a nice weekend,


8:04 AM, November 26, 2006  
Blogger FANCY said...


Thanks fore your presence in my blogg. I love when I see comments from you.



5:10 PM, November 26, 2006  
Blogger ANNA-LYS said...

New Week ... New Beginnings!

It's only a month to Christmas. Do you celebrate that occation?

Nice week on YOU,

*Hugs n' Ughs*


5:25 AM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Nicole said...

I happen to like labour Day. I was married on the 1st of September, so it usually works out that I get a long-weekend for my Anniversary :)

who doesn't like long weekends I ask????

9:48 AM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

time to delete some comments, and/or get a new headline - where is crabgrass when I need him - I suspect he is in Toronto holding down that damn job again,playing with numbers (he loves numbers) - guess it could be worse-he might pull a VD???!!!
so here goes, going to get rid of the bubble messages ...

11:09 AM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Hi Nicole -
Happy to see you around -
I don't really hate Labor Day (without the 'u' 'cause it pisses vd and rs off-they don't like my american tendencies).Actually, Labor day weekend is a family get to gether (is that all one word?)way up north on the rocky shores of Georgian Bay-that really is God's country-water so clean,but cold-unbelieveable rock formations - and on a clear nite, the Milky way, and this year we actually saw the Northern Lights. What an experience!! So,Labour Day is a special time for MMCA and her family.

1:35 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Hi Anna-lys ....
Oh yeah.............
Christmas is big,big here - I am looking at decorations up already on several homes in my neighbourhood-it's a bit early for me - unless I see snow on the ground I cannot get into the spirit. And then of course, I'm scrambling at the end trying to accomplish the seemingly impossible task of buying for a large family,lots of grandchildren, as well as decorating the homestead. Perhaps I will turn on some Christmas music,have a glass of Merlot-that might get me moving. What do you think???

1:46 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Nicole said...

So,Labour Day is a special time for MMCA and her family.

Well that is really nice to hear!!!
and where you spend it sounds beautiful!!!
The furthest East I have been is Winnipeg....I will have to sometime venture farther . My heart lurches to the West { damn family!!!! :) :) ) I finally have a 2 year old nephew and they are expecting a sibling at Easter time, so the inner Auntie in me chooses to head to Vancouver over anywhere else as a holiday!

10:04 AM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

OK Vagina - where are you -
here's my first attempt -
"There once was a man from Dundas-
Who's balls were made out of brass.
They jingled together
And played "Stormy Weather"
And lightening shot out of his ass."
Now you know I have to watch my use of the english language here - I could do naughtier - but will this suffice? Please say YES!!

8:20 PM, November 28, 2006  
Blogger Mother Mary Carol Anne said...

Hi Nic -
I promised V.D. a Limerick some time ago - to appease him for my bitching about his avatar and language,which was a problem for me,not a personal one - I have long since reached the age of consent - but I do have some family members who think it is unbelieveable for me to have a blog - I'm old ya know - and could access the site.
Thus the limerick.
She/he probably will not like it - and demand another one. Bastard!!
Did some xmas shopping today, and was a good girl, nothing for ME!!
Not really in the mood yet!!
TTYL - mmca

9:26 PM, November 28, 2006  

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